Extreme Audi RS6 950hp from EDT
The guys from Essen DieselTuning, in the Netherlands, are known for working on diesel engines tuning but also for developing technological innovations for the racing track. But they do also some extreme engine tuning if customer wants it!
Because the knowledge and the ability of mechanical tuning is still present at Wim Essing, they decided to do an extreme project, an Audi RS-6 with a standard capacity of 580 hp upgrade with both mechanical tuning and software tuning to: 950 hp @ 6900 Rpm & 965 Nm @ 6800 Rpm.
This project has a total of 3 weeks work duration. The whole engine was out before they could adjust the mechanical parts. The RS-6 engine an impressive look, judge for yourself!
Audi RS-6 Engine mechanics:
To reach this kind of extreme power, there was a lot of mechanics EDT had to process.
2 x Garett competition ball bearing turbo’s 230.000 Rpm
Compression ratio decreased
Watercutted cylinderhead gasket stainless steel
ECU remapping via CMD in 7 stages
Competiton exhaust
2 x K&N sportairfilter
2 x cylinderhead “geflowed” & re-shaped
2 x racing katalysts superflow
20 competition valves extra
Ceramic breakes.
Field Data after tuning:
Acceleration 0 – 200 Km/h : 9,158 sec. (0 – 125 MpH : 9,158 sec.)
Fuel consumption under full throttle: 43 L/100 Km
Top speed : Calculated 380 – 400 Km/h (236 – 249 MpH), (not tested)
Essing Dieseltuning BV – Keizersveld 71 C, 5803 AP Venray (L) – Phone: 0031 478 516700, Fax: 0031 478 516272, Email: info@dieseltuning.nl
website: www.dieseltuning.nl
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