ABT’s high-tech dynamometer

Where does a car’s speedo show 260 kph but doesn’t move? On the state-of-the-art ABT Sportsline dynamometer! It is part of the quality and performance strategy employed by the leading tuner of cars produced by the Volkswagen Group. Since engines are becoming ever more complex, good power upgrades also require an ever more careful development. Only if you know all the relevant parameters, you can intervene in the complex web of a modern engine’s mechanical and electronic components and close tolerances. “Our thorough testing balances performance and durability and allows us to issue extensive warranties,“ says CEO Hans-Jürgen Abt, mentioning the MAHA-MSR1000 dynamometer, one of the best in the market: “Systems of this quality you will otherwise only find with engine developers, technical universities or major racing teams. We can measure cars with up to 3,000 hp and 2,200 kW. The air blower can produce a speed of up to 200 kph and has a capacity of 90,000 m3/h.”

ABT Dynamometer

Its exactness aside, ABT Sportsline puts much emphasis on climate factors and on yielding as many KPI as possible, e.g. exhaust temperature, intake air or air pressure, or, if need be, even OBD data. “That allows us to be sure that we see all the data and our customers won’t have any nasty surprises,“ says Abt. This does particularly apply to the sensitive issue of fuel consumption, which ABT Sportsline wants to keep at its production level.

“Our modern MAHA dynamometer has an excellent sensory system and thus captures all pertinent data,“ says the head Abt: “It can also be flexibly upgraded with extra modules. Since we tune a lot of quattros, we have made it 4WD-compatible, for example.“


The “dynamometered” results are very important but have to be complemented by the results of tests run on the road, if only for the subjective component. And handling tests cannot be run on a test bench either. “Every car has to go through this treadmill before we can be sure that our customers get utmost quality, i.e. cars that they will enjoy for many years to come,” concludes Hans-Jürgen Abt.


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